Testing, Testing

Kaiser Permanente has become my new BFF.

For two weeks, I get daily phone calls from Kaiser. I have appointments and tests almost every day and sometimes twice a day. My tumor is very aggressive, and everything is STAT.

I get a nuclear bone scan, CT scan, DEXA scan, echo cardiogram, liver MRI, and so many blood labs I lose count. Do I have bone metastasis? Soft tissue metastasis? What’s the spot on my liver? Is my heart strong enough to withstand chemo? Do I have any hidden immune disorders or diseases that would interfere with or preclude chemo? What are my baseline blood results? My arm is covered in bruises and bandages.

I’m afraid that the fast-growing tumor has metastasized, and I won’t be healthy enough to start chemo. I’m prepared for the worst — but I stick my arm out for the next needle.

                                                  * * * * *

Results are all in. I’m good to go.

Author: MeredithLaskow

Artist, writer, and unrepentant nerd girl.

4 thoughts on “Testing, Testing”

  1. Merry when I first read this post I was so scared that you were saying the tumor had metastasized. Thank God it hasn’t!

    I’ve been very busy with the move, but always thinking about you and praying for your recovery. Stay strong. Love you!

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