My surgery stitches were removed on Monday. The PA (Physician Assistant), who hadn’t seen me since the surgery, said, “You’re really bruised” — implying, more so than most. Still. Still bruised and swollen. Still in constant low level pain.
Truth be told, I rarely notice the pain until I’m trying to fall asleep. At 1 a.m. when I go to bed, I’m wide awake so my brain babbles on for an hour with useless scenarios and information. After the thirtieth rehash of what I did today, and right before the fortieth rehash of what I need to do tomorrow, I convince myself that I can’t go to sleep because the pain is too annoying.
Les suggested that I take a pill about an hour before bedtime. I try to avoid the heavy-duty meds when possible and haven’t used them since the fourth day after surgery, but I thought it was worth a try. It worked — sort of. At 2 a.m. I was not noticing any pain, but still obsessing about the usual slush pile of trivia. It would probably be more productive if I stayed out of bed until I was actually tired, but then I’d sleep past breakfast with Les.
Based on the amount of swelling and bruising, the PA reassessed my time line — from, “You can start easing back to normal activity four weeks after surgery” to “You might want to give it six weeks, which is when your scars should be fully healed.” Not that I was planning a house cleaning marathon, anyhow. I think I’ll also wait a little longer on driving the car because my arm still doesn’t have full range of motion.
But basically I’m doing just fine.
* * *
I wrote everyone’s name on a little piece of paper, crumpled the papers, tossed them on my desk, and picked one up.
And the winner is of the pink ribbon jewelry is…
♥♥♥ Deb ♥♥♥
And thanks to all my friends who entered the contest 🙂
You will be fine. Everyone heals differently. I am type 2 diabetics for 26 years. Supposedly I should be a slow healer but I usually heal rather quickly. Not with the breast or the knee surgeries. Saw the Dr yesterday for knee. Still swollen and still some fluid. Took x-ray said it is fine. Next x-ray in 2 years. Said it will take awhile. Breast surgeon followup up in 2 months. Monday will be 1 year and 10 months since surgery. To me breast still feels hard as a rock. Dr told me might be fluid buildup not sure. But all in all I am fine. Give it more time. You had 2 surgeries back to back. It takes time.
Sharon — in 1998, when I had three surgeries in six weeks, it took 6 months for the swelling to go down. 18 years later, there’s still hardness around the scar but the rest is OK. I also had a full lymph node dissection then and couldn’t move my arm overhead for over a month.
I’d be seriously surprised if this one heals any faster, even though only seven lymph nodes were removed. And yeah, my breast feels like a total rock. I think I’m just too impatient with myself.
Me too!
You’ll get stronger each day because you’re a warrior who’s almost done with the battle… Stay strong! Wishing you a Healthy, Healthy, Healthy Happy and peaceful New Year!
Michaele, I’m definitely a warrior but would love to have time travel abilities so I could speed this up 😉 L’Shanah Tovah to you and the family ♥
Love, Love the dress, head piece and jewelry. I live in a very colorful Morracan inspired house……loved it long before it was in vogue. I look forward to reading your progress and wish you a fast recovery and lots of good times.
Thank you Karen! Friends have said that visiting my house is like going to an ethnic art museum 🙂 I’ve always surrounded myself with art and been inspired by handcrafts from around the world.